I have been associated with the Scout Movement since 1939 when I joined the 38th Portsmouth (St Marks) Rover Sea Scout Crew. I was Assistant Scoutmaster and later Scoutmaster of the 61st Portsmouth (St.Nicholas) Scout Troop prior to the move to Sutton in 1953. Shortly after this I joined the 3rd Cheam Scout Group. I was Group Scout Leader in 1962, when we acquired the lease of a piece of land behind Dudley Hall, Morden, and saw through the three-phase development of the present Headquarters. The opening on St George’s Day 1967 was the proudest moment in my Scouting career. I was awarded the Scout Medal of Merit in 1970 and for a short period was Assistant District Commissioner for Leader Training. Another proud moment came in 2002 when the Group appointed me their Patron.
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
I am an active member of the Morden & Mitcham Group, where I am currently Chairman & Secretary. Until the Greater London Surrey Branch of the Fellowship closed in 2002, I had been serving at different times as Branch Chairman and Branch Secretary.
Interests (contd)